Monday, April 24, 2006

Picovoli goof

Last night I made a big goof. As I was knitting away at Picovoli, I started doing an increase round when it should have been a regular round. And because I am such a perfectionist, I couldn't just let it go. So I tried to unknit my stitches. Which made things even worse, because obviously I don't know how to unknit knitted into the front and back stitches. So then I had two big gaping holes. And because unravelling to a point to fix the piece is a bit beyond me (I don't get how the stitches get back on the needle all intact and stuff). So I unravelled the whole thing. All 2 inches of it...which really isn't that much. But it's the fact that this will be the umpteenth time starting the darn thing that bugs me. And I can't not start it again now or else this will be the pattern that conquered me! GAH!

Today I rejoined the 21st century. I got a cell phone. I had one before I moved, and I cancelled it within a month of moving here. Since that time, I have been sans cell phone, and in that time my brakes on my SUV have failed and I had to try to find my dad and husband in the mall using a payphone, and the attempt was unsuccessful. A cellphone is a safety thing for me more than a convenience thing. Like when my brakes failed, I would have liked to call for help as opposed to deciding on my own that I hoped the brakes were okay enough to finish the drive home. The problem with cell phones is the cost. Some monthly plans can run as much as $40 or $50 dollars. So I got a pay as you go phone, so I will have my emergency phone and phone for select other urgent calls. I am so excited! I even got a flip phone, which I have wanted for ages. It is charging right now.

So today after I got the cell phone, I also got yarn to knit a little cell phone cozy to protect my new little toy. It's fuzzy and pink and very soft. I might knit one for my PDA too. There is certainly enough yarn for that! I also borrowed from Joanne's the sample fabrics I liked for potential curtains. They look very nice against the walls so I'm hoping I can figure out how much fabric I would need to make what I want, and then decide if I can afford it.

I am so tired. I woke up like 2 or 3 times last night during the night. I think I was still stewing about Picovoli. Man, that really bothers me. I think I'm going to go and cast on for that again.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

In a good place

Organization. Being as anal as I am about most things, organizing is most of my most favorite and most relaxing activities. Thats what I decided to do this morning. I went through all of my knitting needles and figured out what I have and what I don't have. There are a lot more sizes that I don't have, but all in good time. And I figured out what yarn I have already purchased to make projects, and where I can find the patterns for the projects. Below is my yarn, broken out by project:

In my list of things to make, I have some socks, some Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers (that's the cream colored wool...I'm hoping to dye it and then knit those up), a couple of dishclothes, a couple of Meema's Felted Marsupial Tote bags, and a Lucky. Lucky will be made of that gorgeous lilac colored yarn.

I am really excited to try it. I think my skills have developed significantly enough that I can knit it without too many problems.

I've also been catching up on my blog reading this morning, and organizing my papers here in our computer room. My constant companion, Marmelade, was keeping me company on his regular perch in this room. He likes to sit on my husband's chair and watch the birds that hang out on the bushes outside the window.

So what do I plan to tackle next? Good question...there is still the issue of the curtains. My parents were down yesterday to visit and my mom and I were on a mission to find curtains. My husband and I painted the main areas of our house different shades of blue-greens, which I love. It is so invigorating! But the problem is, it's not a very common color and finding ready-made curtains that I like has proven to be almost impossible. Then we went to Joanne's and I found some fabric and got really ambitious thinking I could make curtains. I am not much of a sewer, but I have sewn things before, including some tab top curtains for my room in college. So anywho, I found two fabrics that were gorgeous, but there were close to $30.00 per yard! EEEKKKK! That's some expensive fabric! But I think I'm going to try to incorporate those fabrics somehow, because they would be very nice. I am inheriting my grandmother's old sewing machine, and it's coming down from New Brunswick in May. I think between my mom and I we can figure out how to thread the needle, and then I'll be on my way! I think I'm going to make tab top curtains for the sliding doors in the kitchen, that lead out to our deck, and then I'll buy a valence that matches the fabrics, some sheers in a cream color, and then just sew some side panels for the sliding door in the family room, which we don't use as a door and I am going to treat as a big window. I'm going to check out patterns with my mom next weekend, and see how much fabric I need and if it will fit the budget! Man, I hope so!

Well, I think I'm going to go and work some more on my projects that need attention. Dishcloth, Picovoli, and the Meema's bag I'm going to cast on for today all need to be finished shortly. Picovoli doesn't really have a timeline, but I'm embarassed that I still have not finished it for the Sexy Knitters Club Knit a Long that finished in....what, like FEBRUARY? GAH! Must get knitting...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

TGIF....oh wait, it's only Thursday? :(

Work has been so physically and emotionally draining this week. Today felt like it was twice as long as a regular day. Thank goodness the weekend is just one day away. But Friday promises to be the longest day of all...let's hope I'm wrong about that.

So I had the greatest intentions of going to Knit Knite tonight. I even took the exit for the 490 and took 531 to Brockport, which is the way I go to get directly to A Knitter's Corner from work. But I realized my heart just wasn't in it. I was still annoyed from my day and still needed to calm down. I decided that I needed some shopping therapy. So I bought Marmelade some treats and a new brush (his old brush really wasn't doing the trick, and his fur was getting increasingly matted and he is shedding EVERYWHERE), which did wonders for him because I used it the minute I got home. And I went to Wegmans. I love Wegmans. I wish the closest one wasn't 20 minutes away. They have so many great things in the seasonal aisle and in the housewares aisle. So I bought some new nailpolish, some new lip glosses (I am a lip gloss junkie, totally), some candy (which I amazingly did not dig into on the way home), and some flavored water. I love flavored water! That little shopping trip really took the edge off.

So I came home intending to do some cleaning up around here, because my parents are coming this weekend, but instead I got on the phone and chatted with two friends and then my mom. There is a standoff with an native indian tribe going on in my hometown, little Caledonia, Ontario, Canada, and it is making national news in Canada. EEEEKKKKKK! It's so tense there, things are getting progressively worse. I'm praying that things can be resolved peacefully. So anywho, now it's almost 10:30, and I have no cleaning done, no laundry folded, and worst of all, no knitting to show for all of this. Oh well. I think I'm going to go and read Memoirs of a Geisha. I started that book forever ago, and haven't even made time to read it lately.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Krista, MSHRM

So I'm thinking about starting my Master's degree in Human Resources Management this fall. It's something that is on my list of things to do, and I figure now is probably a very good time to do it. My company will pay for a good chunk of it, and we don't have any kiddies (and likely won't anytime soon) so now is definitely a good time to devote my life to studying and working for two years.

I am excited and not excited about this at the same time. I am really looking forward to some mental stimulation and some challenge. Although how much of a challenge it will be I'm not sure. I already have a Diploma in HRM, so the information won't be that new to me. And the not excited part...they have two classes each semester and of course I want to complete the degree as soon as possible so I will take both. AND ONE IS ON A THURSDAY! So what, no Knite Knite for 3 or 4 months? What am I going to do? At least I could probably go to Chicks with Sticks, cause that's in the city and class only goes until 8:40, but even that is pretty late to show up and then I'm at least 45 minutes from home...GAH!

Oh the sacrifices!

Oh well, I need something to focus on that will help me move up at work. Because I need some credentials to help set me apart from the rest of the pack when it comes to promotion time. That's what so hard about working in a corporate environment...the competition for promotion.

That tickle in my throat is still there. I'm eating soup while I'm writing this post, I hope that helps. It was such a long, draining day at work today and I'm sure that didn't help. I felt empty on the way home...I hate feeling that drained emotionally and physically. Definitely need some knitting therapy...

I got a package in the mail today. A late birthday present from my friend Ayesha....the newest Harry Potter movie on DVD! How did she know! :)

Okay, off to figure out what project to work on...a current one? or start a new one? I'm still feeling an urge for change...

Monday, April 17, 2006


There is almost nothing worse than getting a cold or the flu in springtime. I can feel that I have been on the verge of getting something for a while now. You know the feeling I'm talking about...the little tickle in your throat, the little cough that hangs on...GAH!

Monday is never a good day at work. Today was really no exception...except that we got to wear jeans to work today. I think that is the first...and last...time that my company will allow that.

Tonight was a night for catching up. I wrote some long-overdue emails to some old friends. I feel badly that I have such good intentions to keep in touch with people but then somehow when I get home I get caught up in the things I need to do around here and then another night goes by without me reaching out to someone to let them know that I'm thinking about them.

I sent my grandmother a very long overdue card today. I hope she gets in good health. My mom told me tonight that she was in the hospital again for an ongoing problem. Please keep her in your prayers.

So many jumbled thoughts for a Monday night, and no way to knit them together. I think I'll go to bed early, to cozy up under the covers, and knit myself to sleep....and hopefully not jab myself with my needles in the meantime.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My finished felted bag with my trenchcoat

As promised, here are some pics with me and my trenchcoat and my made-to-match felted bag. I know the coat doesn't have any orange in it, but it just looked so great with the hot pink, it was clearly meant to be. I have received so many compliments on this bag that it is pretty overwhelming. That's one thing I love about knitting....the admiration of a finished project.

I was reading Lisa's blog today about the Gettin' Knit Together kit....what a great idea Miss Purl Needlemeyer had to create such a great tool for knitters. I have yarn bought and stashed it somewhere, I have needles everywhere....I definitely need a system to keep track of what materials I have on hand.

Today was a good knitting day. I made some good progress on Picovoli, and on a gift for a friend. It was such a great day outside too, I spent some time trying to transform my weed garden into a garden area ready for spring flowers. I love flower gardens, but I really hate weeding. Clearly, this is going to be a problem for me. And obviously, today I created my new blog. I spent most of the day playing with the template, adding in my links, changing the colours, getting everything just right. I love it.

I Yearn for Yarn

I felt like I needed a change...again. I was debating cutting my hair. But after growing it for FOREVER, that might be something I regret immediately. But my blog...that's another story. When I first moved from Livejournal to Blogger(Blogspot), I chose the name Knittin and Scrappin to reflect both of my interests. But let's be frank, I haven't scrapbooked in months because I am too busy knitting. Knitting fits in better with my scattered free blocks of time and it is so rewarding to be able to wear what you have made.

So I have changed my blog...again. Hopefully this will not change for a while. But I Yearn for's so true!