Monday, April 24, 2006

Picovoli goof

Last night I made a big goof. As I was knitting away at Picovoli, I started doing an increase round when it should have been a regular round. And because I am such a perfectionist, I couldn't just let it go. So I tried to unknit my stitches. Which made things even worse, because obviously I don't know how to unknit knitted into the front and back stitches. So then I had two big gaping holes. And because unravelling to a point to fix the piece is a bit beyond me (I don't get how the stitches get back on the needle all intact and stuff). So I unravelled the whole thing. All 2 inches of it...which really isn't that much. But it's the fact that this will be the umpteenth time starting the darn thing that bugs me. And I can't not start it again now or else this will be the pattern that conquered me! GAH!

Today I rejoined the 21st century. I got a cell phone. I had one before I moved, and I cancelled it within a month of moving here. Since that time, I have been sans cell phone, and in that time my brakes on my SUV have failed and I had to try to find my dad and husband in the mall using a payphone, and the attempt was unsuccessful. A cellphone is a safety thing for me more than a convenience thing. Like when my brakes failed, I would have liked to call for help as opposed to deciding on my own that I hoped the brakes were okay enough to finish the drive home. The problem with cell phones is the cost. Some monthly plans can run as much as $40 or $50 dollars. So I got a pay as you go phone, so I will have my emergency phone and phone for select other urgent calls. I am so excited! I even got a flip phone, which I have wanted for ages. It is charging right now.

So today after I got the cell phone, I also got yarn to knit a little cell phone cozy to protect my new little toy. It's fuzzy and pink and very soft. I might knit one for my PDA too. There is certainly enough yarn for that! I also borrowed from Joanne's the sample fabrics I liked for potential curtains. They look very nice against the walls so I'm hoping I can figure out how much fabric I would need to make what I want, and then decide if I can afford it.

I am so tired. I woke up like 2 or 3 times last night during the night. I think I was still stewing about Picovoli. Man, that really bothers me. I think I'm going to go and cast on for that again.


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