Sunday, May 07, 2006


This weekend, my husband is over at my in-laws helping my father in law do some work in the garage. I opted to stay here at get some work done. The house has been pretty quiet during hte day. But I like being alone sometimes with my thoughts, so it was nice. The house is much cleaner than it was before...and thank goodness because it was starting to look a little desperate around here. So in between the chores and the laundry, I got way caught up on my TV. I watched two episodes of Girlmore Girls, the other half of the season finale of Ghost Whisperer, last week's Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, and then 3 episodes of Lost. And it was even better because I could fast forward through the commercials. Whilst watching said TV, I managed to finish my sister in law's felted marsupial bag. Sorry, no picture, it's felting as we speak, but it's pink with dark brown handles...very pretty.

I have seen some very cute felted bag patterns lately...I think I need to make an all purpose bag to carry around this a big tote bag with some funky colors. I will have to try to search out a pattern.

Here is one pic of my other latest work. My cell phone cozy, from the first S n B book.

The yarn is super soft and so cozy. But I have a couple of issues with the pattern and finished product. The pattern calls for increases and decreases for the phone's antenna that result in the little front flap to not be as wide as the rest of the piece, so it looks lopsided. And I didn't really adjust the pattern for the width of the phone, so it's a little big. Plus, the yarn is really pilly and the cat deciding that the cozy is his new play toy hasn't helped the pilliness either. I have had to chase him away from my phone two times in the last two days. So I will make another...well, I was going to make one for my friend Sarrah anyways, but I am going to reknit mine too and try some modifications.

I have a terrible urge to buy yarn, but I know that I must focus on what I have and use some of that up before I buy more. But that doesn't mean that I can't buy books, does it?


Blogger In a good place! said...

I think you have to buy a book so you can use up your yarn!
I think you should fill your "cozy" with some katnip and let the little one go wild.

5:26 AM  

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