Saturday, May 27, 2006

A long weekend....AHHHHHHHHH!

Memorial Day weekend....ripe with possibilities and promise. And what a great start I had to it. I got home from work last night and John had dinner all ready. He had bought a pre-cooked chicken and made noodles and broccoli. He even set the TV trays with cups, utensils, and napkins (John really likes to watch the news, so often we will eat dinner in the living room on our TV trays...but sometimes I put my foot down and we eat at the table, like this morning for breakfast.) It was really nice...and pretty good too.

Long weekends are also a great time to accomplish tasks, or to at least make significant progress on projects.

So what are my projects?

1. Try to do something with my weed garden at the front of the house (I was going to post a pic, but that's just really does look bad). I just don't have a green thumb.

2. Knit

-continue working on lace shawl (I am still working on the border before the pattern part
-begin Honeymoon Cami (nope, still haven't started that)
-try to convince SIL and niece that I need to spend a lot of time looking at yarn books when we go shopping today.

Must go get started.


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