Sunday, April 23, 2006

In a good place

Organization. Being as anal as I am about most things, organizing is most of my most favorite and most relaxing activities. Thats what I decided to do this morning. I went through all of my knitting needles and figured out what I have and what I don't have. There are a lot more sizes that I don't have, but all in good time. And I figured out what yarn I have already purchased to make projects, and where I can find the patterns for the projects. Below is my yarn, broken out by project:

In my list of things to make, I have some socks, some Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers (that's the cream colored wool...I'm hoping to dye it and then knit those up), a couple of dishclothes, a couple of Meema's Felted Marsupial Tote bags, and a Lucky. Lucky will be made of that gorgeous lilac colored yarn.

I am really excited to try it. I think my skills have developed significantly enough that I can knit it without too many problems.

I've also been catching up on my blog reading this morning, and organizing my papers here in our computer room. My constant companion, Marmelade, was keeping me company on his regular perch in this room. He likes to sit on my husband's chair and watch the birds that hang out on the bushes outside the window.

So what do I plan to tackle next? Good question...there is still the issue of the curtains. My parents were down yesterday to visit and my mom and I were on a mission to find curtains. My husband and I painted the main areas of our house different shades of blue-greens, which I love. It is so invigorating! But the problem is, it's not a very common color and finding ready-made curtains that I like has proven to be almost impossible. Then we went to Joanne's and I found some fabric and got really ambitious thinking I could make curtains. I am not much of a sewer, but I have sewn things before, including some tab top curtains for my room in college. So anywho, I found two fabrics that were gorgeous, but there were close to $30.00 per yard! EEEKKKK! That's some expensive fabric! But I think I'm going to try to incorporate those fabrics somehow, because they would be very nice. I am inheriting my grandmother's old sewing machine, and it's coming down from New Brunswick in May. I think between my mom and I we can figure out how to thread the needle, and then I'll be on my way! I think I'm going to make tab top curtains for the sliding doors in the kitchen, that lead out to our deck, and then I'll buy a valence that matches the fabrics, some sheers in a cream color, and then just sew some side panels for the sliding door in the family room, which we don't use as a door and I am going to treat as a big window. I'm going to check out patterns with my mom next weekend, and see how much fabric I need and if it will fit the budget! Man, I hope so!

Well, I think I'm going to go and work some more on my projects that need attention. Dishcloth, Picovoli, and the Meema's bag I'm going to cast on for today all need to be finished shortly. Picovoli doesn't really have a timeline, but I'm embarassed that I still have not finished it for the Sexy Knitters Club Knit a Long that finished in....what, like FEBRUARY? GAH! Must get knitting...


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